Friday, April 8, 2011

Ports by the Singapore government investment holdings of 51.05 million shares of the company

     2011年3月22日07:35 ,mac brushes

    [ Dow Jones ] Hong Kong Stock Exchange data, Ports on March 17 ,mac makeup, by the Singapore Government Investment Corporation (GIC) holdings of 51.05 million shares of the venue , long positions rose to 5.09% .

    Hong Kong Stock Exchange on March 22 disclosure of equity transactions display ,vibram 5 fingers, Ports ( 00589 ) on March 17 , by the Singapore Government Investment Corporation (GIC) holdings of 51.05 million shares of the venue ,mac makeup wholesale, the average price of 17.618 per share Hong Kong , involving funding of about 89.94 billion Hong Kong dollars, long positions rose to 5.09% from the 4.99% .

    ( Manning edit )

    Ports holdings by the Singapore Government Investment Corporation 51.05 million
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